The idea was born with the intention of providing a valid alternative to plastic straws (which, as we all know by now, due to incorrect behavior and bad habits in terms of recycling are dispersed in the environment, generating enormous problems for the marine ecosystem and terrestrial): although the market already offered various solutions, such as reusable metal straws or disposable paper straws (biodegradable but not necessarily eco-sustainable), the user experience was still too far from that perceived with traditional straws, highlighting ( especially in the eyes of restaurateurs, who use dozens if not hundreds of straws every day) all the limits of a product that could not work. Purchasing and operating costs too high for metal straws and unsatisfactory performance for paper straws were still holding back buyers too much, causing them to continue to prefer plastic. Driven by the desire for a sustainable and "plastic free" future, and inspired by the intuition of some bartenders who have started using ziti in their premises, a typical pasta from the culinary tradition of Southern Italy with features very similar to those of a straw , in 2019 Gennaro Duello (founder of "Mister Straw") decided to study a new product to be launched on the market. The intent was to adapt the production processes, so as to create an object that was born as a real straw, and was not simply cooking pasta used for a different purpose than that for which it was created. With this aim, some particular production technologies have been adopted, including that of LASER cutting, which guarantees the achievement of clean, smooth ends, free of cracks or splits that could represent a danger to the user's lips.